We offer our clients intimate and personalised travel services that are unmatched by most other travel companies and we take it upon ourselves to foster deep and meaningful relationships with our clients to ensure they get the most out of their Sri Lanka adventure. We make sure every accommodation provider we deal with maintain their high standards and we offer a wide range of tours focused on all the highlights of Sri Lanka from culture- to beaches to wildlife. We do not promote anything we have not experienced and enjoyed ourselves.

Shahlaa Hafeel

Ever since she was a baby, she has been travelling around the miracle island of Sri Lanka with her family. At the age of 22, she had covered virtually every part of the island from hiking up to the glorious mountains, to scuba diving the shipwrecks in Colombo, to learning meditation from forest monks. According to her, the range of experiences you can have in this tiny island is vast making it a bite sized utopia! As a child, she had always thought of entrepreneurs to be like magicians due to their amazing ability to create something from virtually nothing. As a result, Shahlaa combined her passion for entrepreneurship with her passion for traveling by starting The BucketList at the age of 23. According to her entering the world of entrepreneurship allowed her to feel empowered and more in control of her life and made her realise that the key to a fulfilling career lies in not how much money you make, but how passionate you are about the work you are doing and how well you nurture this passion.

Dr. Vipula Wanigasekera

Dr Vipula Wanigasekera - CIM UK, MBA, PhD, joined Tourist Board of Sri Lanka as Director Marketing in the early 90s after serving the private sector for 15 years. Later he was seconded to the Diplomatic service of Sri Lanka and functioned as Counselor in Kuala Lumpur from 1997 - 2000 and Consul General in Oslo from 2000 to 2005. Dr Wanigasekera rejoined the Ministry of Tourism as CEO, Sri Lanka Convention Bureau from 2005-2016 with a two-year concurrent stint as Director General, Tourism Development Authority and Director of World Bank Tourism Project. He entered academia in 2016 serving Plymouth University UK and is currently a senior lecturer at Edith Cowan University – Perth and consultant to several business institutions. Once a Nationalized services basketball player, he has produced several research papers and published 02 books. His ‘Pointers to Enlightenment’ paved him way to conduct meditation sessions for tourists. Dr Wanigasekera is also a qualified Carnatic musician from IFA - UK, and Ayurveda Reflexologist from IICA SL.

Maddu Perera

Maddu is our tour leader and most experienced tour guide. He is a licensed chauffeur guide with several decades of experience guiding clients across Sri Lanka from all corners of the globe! He is truly passionate about guiding and takes it upon himself to ensure you cross out all those items from your Sri Lanka travel bucket list!